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Exercise - Interactive Practice

Cliquez sur Écouter tout et suivre. Une fois que vous maîtisez la totalité de la conversation, devenez la personne A en cliquant sur le bouton Personne A. Vous n'entendrez que la personne B, grâce au fichier audio. Il y aura un moment de silence pour vous permettre de répéter les phrases de la personne A. Faites de même pour la personne B. La vitesse de la conversation est la vitesse d'origine. Utilisez le bouton pause si la pause entre chaque phrase est trop rapide pour vous. Après avoir pratiqué plusieurs fois, vous serez capable de parler aussi vite qu'un natif.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hey Michael. Where are you going?"
B: "Nowhere special. I was just taking a walk."
A: "What for?"
B: "To get a little exercise. I'm so out of shape."
A: "Hey, I play basketball with a bunch of friends twice a week. It's great exercise and it's fun too. Why don't you come out and play with us?"
B: "That sounds great. Give me a call next time you guys play."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "All I do all day is work and watch TV. I really should start thinking about my health."
B: "I never thought about that, but you're right. What do you think we should do?"
A: "For starters, we should start doing more outdoor activities. That way we'll get some exercise."
B: "I was thinking about taking tennis lessons. I always have an hour to spare in the afternoon. What do you think about that?"
A: "That's not a bad idea. How much is it?"
B: "I heard it is only about one hundred twenty dollars a month for 8 lessons."
A: "Playing tennis twice a week will be a good start. Count me in."

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