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Dating - Interactive Practice

Cliquez sur Écouter tout et suivre. Une fois que vous maîtisez la totalité de la conversation, devenez la personne A en cliquant sur le bouton Personne A. Vous n'entendrez que la personne B, grâce au fichier audio. Il y aura un moment de silence pour vous permettre de répéter les phrases de la personne A. Faites de même pour la personne B. La vitesse de la conversation est la vitesse d'origine. Utilisez le bouton pause si la pause entre chaque phrase est trop rapide pour vous. Après avoir pratiqué plusieurs fois, vous serez capable de parler aussi vite qu'un natif.

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "Hi there. Do you know anyone here?"
B: "I'm a friend of Stacy."
A: "Stacy Miller? I know her."
B: "Really? How do you know her?"
A: "We went to middle school together."
B: "That's cool. What a small world."
A: "So how do you know Stacy?"
B: "We went to the same sorority."
A: "What did you major in?"
B: "I majored in Sociology."
A: "Really? Me too. That's kinda cool."
B: "Where did you go to school?"
A: "I went to Berkley."
B: "So what are you doing here in New York?"
A: "I work at a consulting firm."
B: "Isn't that hard work?"
A: "It was in the beginning, but I got used to it. It's a lot of hours though."
B: "I bet. I don't like working more than 40 hours. I need time to play."
A: "I hear that. I wish I had more time to play. But I do like my job."
B: "I think it is important to like your job."
A: "I like talking with you."
B: "Really? I feel the same way."
A: "Do you wanna go out sometime, like dinner or something?"
B: "I'd like that. Here, let me give you my number."

Listen All  |   Person A  |   Person B
A: "You see that chick over there?"
B: "The one in the red shirt?"
A: "Yeah. Isn't she hot?"
B: "She's alright."
A: "Just alright?!? She's hot!"
B: "Why don't you go talk to her?"
A: "You think she's out of my league?"
B: "Hell no! You're just a chicken that's all."
A: "C'mon. I get nervous when I talk to girls."
B: "Why don't you go stand next to her for a while and if an opportunity comes up, strike a conversation."
A: "What do I talk about?"
B: "It doesn't matter. You gotta find what she's interested in and go with that."
A: "I don't know..."
B: "Do you want me to go talk to her?"
A: "No. Stay away from her."
B: "If you don't do anything, I'll bet somebody else will."
A: "Ok already. I'll try."

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