Movie Types - Interactive Practice
Cliquez sur Écouter tout et suivre. Une fois que vous maîtisez la totalité de la conversation, devenez la personne A en cliquant sur le bouton Personne A. Vous n'entendrez que la personne B, grâce au fichier audio. Il y aura un moment de silence pour vous permettre de répéter les phrases de la personne A. Faites de même pour la personne B. La vitesse de la conversation est la vitesse d'origine. Utilisez le bouton pause si la pause entre chaque phrase est trop rapide pour vous. Après avoir pratiqué plusieurs fois, vous serez capable de parler aussi vite qu'un natif.
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "What type of movies do you like?" B: "I like comedies. How about you?" A: "I like action." B: "Action is fun too."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "What type of movies do you like?" B: "I like all sorts of movies, primarily drama and science fiction." A: "That's an interesting combination. How about western movies?" B: "Western and horror are the two types of movies I don't care for." A: "Why don't you like horror? They're entertaining." B: "Some are entertaining, but I find most of them stupid and childish. For example, I don't understand why a person always goes into the house alone when something is suspicious." A: "Ha ha. I know what you mean. But it's just a movie. They need for the characters to do that."
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Listen All | Person A | Person B |
A: "Hey, you wanna see a movie tomorrow?" B: "Sounds like a good plan. What do you want to see?" A: "How about Legally Blonde." B: "Ah, my girlfriend wanted to see that movie. I have to take her later so I don't want to watch it ahead of time. How about The Cube?" A: "Isn't that a scary movie?" B: "How scary can it be? Come on, it'll be fun." A: "Ok. I'll give it a try." B: "That's the spirit. I'll see you tomorrow after class." A: "Ok. See you tomorrow."
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