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I can eat a horse

Meaning/Usage: To express the desire to eat a lot of food.

Explanation: One explanation is that there is a lot of meat on a horse. Also not many people eat horses, but they would if they are very hungry. Combining the willingness to eat a large quantity of meat, and the willingness to eat meat that is not normally eaten suggests that the person is extremely hungry.

"I'm so hungry that I can eat a horse."
"I feel like I can eat a horse right now."
"If I didn't eat anything for two days, I would feel like I can eat a horse too."

A: "I didn't eat anything all day."
B: "You must be really hungry."
A: "I can eat a horse right now."

Other Common Sentences

"I'm starving. I think I can eat a whale."
"I'm famished. I could eat anything right now."

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