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General Things

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If you need a wake up call, you can call the front desk.

"Can I have a wake up call?"

"What time would you like your wake up call?"

"At 7:30 am please."

Room service is available but they have hours of operation. The menu in the room should indicate what times they serve hot food, and the menu will show a list of items that are available 24 hours a day. If you can't find the times, you can ask the front desk.

"What are the hours for room service?"

"They serve hot food from 5:30am to 11:00pm. They also have a list of items you can select from during off hours."

If you need help with your luggage, the person that does this is called a bellman, a bellhop, or a bellboy. The most common term is a bellman so I will use that terminology here.

The person that gives advice on city activities, recreation, places to dine, and general questions is called a concierge.

If a person parks the car for you, they are called a valet.

Regular motels and inns might not have these additional services. Even some hotels do not have them. But if you are staying at a nice hotel, you can ask for them.

"Do you have a bellman here?"
"Do you have a concierge?"

Only some hotels have valet service. If someone parked the car for you and you can't find someone, you can ask someone else the following questions.

"Where is the valet attendant?"
"Can you get someone to get my car?"

Remember that if you use these premium services, you should tip. Also remember that you might not know they are helping you. For example, when you check in, a person might ask if you need help with your bags. If you say yes, then you are using the bellman services. So remember to tip if you do. If you don't want to tip, you don't have to, but it is a little rude. Finally, if you don't want any help, just tell them, "No thank you."

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